Social Ai – Can AI learn to love? Blog post 2

It is far from understated the impact of technology and it relationship to our advancing societies. I will discuss discrepancy in which Weak AI and Strong AI both works with us but are heavily reliant on us.
Weak Artificial intelligence is to mimic a narrow range of human cognitive objectives such as calculators, autocorrect and pathfinding amongst many other traits of the same calibre. It can be said that weak AI poses no harm to us as its programming does not allow for further and abstract thoughts to be synthesised into an opinion and nor can it. Weak AI is only capable of apriori knowledge, they are without sense but that in its self has numerous complications. For example, if a Weak AI system is built with a soft membrane and underneath exist pressure-sensitive pads that respond to touch, is this then empirical knowledge? Does the touch mean the same for the AI as it does for us regardless of the complexity of the machine?

What is touch but a binary signal? The sensors work only as an indication for us and not for the benefit of the machine. Much like us weak AI are able to work on formulas which are applicable to the syntax of human curiosity for the given statement.
Strong AI, then, may be characterised by artificial intelligence which has the capability to think like us. As with any robotic system, it relies on us to program is and without us is simply an inactive mechanical mass which prior to programming to such an extent exists purely as an object. The property of which the programming sets out to do may be seen in two potential ways. Firstly, the programming of the machine may be seen as giving the machine its personality and secondly giving the machine the potential to think on its own accord within reason and thus giving the machine free will in which it is only programmed to utilise for benefit of the human-animal.
The idea of injecting the machine with a personally may bring welcomed dispute for what extent the characteristics it is given works In unison with the idea of personality. Part of the word describes person. Frequently the fluidity of this term extends beyond the use for people and can be used to express traits for any animal, however, within this we may be inclined to question the reach of this term. The character traits placed upon the mechanical mass of strong AI are to be seen as allowing it to think freely yet oxymoronically only within the confines of its programmed objective. The AI has the ability to react and respond and thus boosts its comparison to the human animal. In doing so humans may feel obligated to treat the AI with an empathetic approach which is the proprietor for disaster.
Initially, the first period after programming may see the AI to have skill comparable to an infant yet it could be said that with the ability to react and respond but not (potentially) respond based upon emotion and thus responds with a logical approach in which follows it is a reaction based on behaviour alone, could be compared to a person with social disability. The machine understands the syntax yet the emotional response is either non-existent. As the AI learns using its knowledge of what it has observed and what it knows, it has the ability to react towards its counterpart with an empathetic response without immediate human realisation as the AI had been programmed only to think within the confines of what is was programmed.
To summarise, can a computer learn to love?

By Luke Gooden.

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