Blog Post #3 – Fashion Activism
The goal of Fashion Activism class was to teach us how to promote sustainable fashion and diversity by creating a fashion video or a social media content of a specific fashion brand. However, before grabbing a camera, we had to learn theory.
As a first thing, I’ve learnt how important it is to understand the idea of a brand: its aesthetic, ethos and positioning.
A – visual aspects
E – motivation of a brand
P – where do they place themselves on the market
This simple rule allowed my group to create a visual board which reflects the idea of our brand.
In one of the lectures, our tutors showed us fashion campaigns of the brands supporting sustainability and/or diversity. Thanks to that, we could inspire ourselves by learning about editing techniques, exploring new ways of creating moving image, and about the idea of storytelling. We also had to develop ideas through such techniques as brainstorming and drawing a story board.

Before attending the first Fashion Activism lecture, I wondered how it is like to work with other students – I’ve always considered myself as a person preferring to work on everything on my own. However, after a few lessons I realised that it’s not entirely the truth. Of course, there are some specific tasks that I would rather do without anyone’s help, but I was amazed how many advantages brings collaborating. One of the examples is brainstorming, during which each of us had slightly different ideas. I didn’t come up with some of ideas on my own and was glad that there were students who brought something to the table. Another advantage of collaborating was getting inspired by someone’s positive attitude which always motivates me to get back to work. Last but not least, we learn how to be more empathetic through helping one another, trying to understand someone unique ideas and create a piece of work that would fulfil creatively all the group.
Our group’s final project was a gif reflecting the aesthetic and a goal of Lazy Oaf brand. At first, we planned to make an IGTV video, but due to a lockdown we have to change our plans. Although all of us were in different time zones, we managed to finish our work on time through WhatsApp. You can find the link to our final work below.
I fully enjoyed attending Fashion Activism lectures and collaborating with other LCF students and feel grateful that we’ve managed to create something together. Also, the projects of other students were so inspiring that I have decided to make my own short film while we are still locked down in our homes. But, the most important thing is that I feel that fashion activism was the right choice and I would love to learn about it more in the future through creative practice.
Image Credit
LOEWE (2017) i-D and LOEWE present Love is Enough, a poem by William Morris. 16 November. Available at:
(Accessed: 3 May 2020)