Blog Post 3
Upon choosing to study ‘Make-up Breakdown’ as my Better Lives project, I was interested in learning about make-up in a fashion context as opposed to TV/Film which I study as my full-time course.
In our workshops we began studying the fundamentals of applying make-up, starting with skincare as it is important the skin has a clean base for make-up application. This was something I was familiar with previously; however, it is always good to practice on different models with different skin types. We then experimented with colour theory, using the colour wheel to determine complementary colours and created an abstract bone structure make-up so that in a black and white photo, the shades contrasted. I enjoyed this activity as I have studied facial structure in class and know the accurate placements, however it was fun to create a bone structure make-up in a different way using colour and more abstract shapes.
The brief for our outcome was to create a make-up look following ‘The Fashion Mistake’ concept, which embodies everything that is so wrong it’s right. It plays with societal ideas of beauty and celebrates imperfections, encouraging make-up looks that are out of the ordinary. For example, here is an image of a paper make-up by Lisa Eldridge for Harvey Nichols where she has exaggerated the eyebrows and flushed cheeks.

Unfortunately, due the coronavirus outbreak we could not continue workshops in the studio, so we were asked to create 2 make-up looks in 2 hours, one to represent ‘The Fashion Mistake’ and one representing imperfection. Due to the majority of the class not having access to a lot of make-up, we were asked to use household items or any items that were available. For one of my looks I wanted to explore the taboo of facial hair on women, so I experimented with grass adhering it to my lower cheeks and in between my eyebrows. This task helped provoke my creative thinking in a new way by using unusual materials to create a look, and this is something I will definitely experiment with in the future.
For my final look I wanted to take inspiration from the skin condition vitiligo, which is where your skin lacks the pigment melanin. It creates some interesting shapes which I wanted to abstractly replicate in my final design. In addition to this, I wanted to incorporate colour theory into my look, starting with the fact I have blue eyes, I used oranges and blues in my look as they are opposite on the colour wheel. Here is an image of my final design:

Overall, I’m very happy with the use of colour theory in my look and the shapes I created, however I think it would have been more effective if I used 3D materials, possibly some orange flowers if I had access to them. Despite some of the earlier workshops being a little more basic in terms of skill, the Make-up Breakdown unit has allowed to me to approach make-up in a way that I hadn’t before, incorporating more unique materials which I enjoyed. I also found that having a time limit to create a look generated ideas quicker and my work was more instinctive which can be stronger than a planned look.
Nwanko, A., 2020. Better Lives: Make-Up Breakdown.
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