Blog post 3 – Project outcome and personal development
For our project outcome in styling sportswear for subcultures, the unusual times have really called for us to use the better lives themes now more than ever. In particular ‘sustainability’ as being under lockdown we are forced to use and create with and materials readily available to us. The brief we were given was to choose a sport, as at home exercise and the need to keep fit is a huge part of our new way of living, and style the sport with elements of a chosen subculture.
My piece was inspired by being nominated to do the 5k run which has been one of the many challenges going around social media during this lockdown. After doing this challenge I have begun running every morning and its finally something that seems adequate for replacing the gym. Therefore, I chose my Nike running leggings and Adidas ultra-boost trainers to represent the athletic half of my look. Both of these brands have supported a sustainable fashion future as Nike now are sending parcels that are recyclable and for every brown bag parcel from Nike a tree is planted, in an aim to outweigh their contribution to pollution from deliveries. Likewise, Adidas have been doing a lot of work with recycled materials.
However, the second element of my look is less sustainable and forward thinking. This Is because stems from another lockdown habit. I have been constantly on an app called TikTok which I know the other students will be familiar with. On this app I kept seeing this trend of tie dye hoodies and sweat pant sets which just looks so cool as a form of lounge wear. Unfortunately, the lockdown boredom has led me to purchase clothes online. To make sure I am being more socially responsible when being a consumer of fast fashion, I am being very particular with what I buy to ensure these pieces last in my wardrobe. Therefore, I paired the running attire with a recently purchased dye hoody. The origins of tie die link into hippie culture and socially aware youth of the 60s.The 60s youth culture is very much depicted as a time of freedom and free living which I feel is ironic considering the current restrictions we are facing.

Something that works as reference for my project outcome is the film Forrest Gump, as it features both the sport running and hippies. For me when I think about this film, I reminisce of Forrest Gump’s character and how he is an important character for diversity. I feel at these times touching films like this can give us a sense of comfort, this is why I have included the sofa as a prop.
Engaging with this project has allowed to understand more how I can in small ways begin to develop my understanding of the better lives themes and I am excited to use these in my mindset towards future projects.