How beauty is nothing more than just abstract
For my final project I decided to take the theme of imperfection and reconstruct it by analysing on a deeper depth what it means from my personal standpoint. Before starting my make-up breakdown project, I perceived imperfection to have negative connotation with failure and the undesirable. However, throughout my project I have learnt to view imperfection in a much positive manner, defining it as a journey to self-improvement, propelling creativity. These ideas significantly inspired my final project where I explored the idea of imperfection from a beauty and make-up viewpoint. After analysing these ideas, I came to my own conclusion that the definition of beauty is in itself imperfect and thus needs improvement. Thus, it led to my final project title called ‘Beauty is nothing more than just abstract’.

Abstract can be defined as ‘existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concreate existence’ this to me defines why beauty abstract. In actuality beauty cannot be defined and is subjective, in particular to the society and culture you were raised in. Therfore, because I redefined beauty as abstract, I decided for my final project to take inspiration from abstract art and turn it into a makeup look.
In this look, the black outline is filled in with makeup, such as foundation, contour, bigger lips smaller face frame etc. all ideas that society has defined as ‘beauty’. Thus, it is supposed to represent societies ideals on beauty.
The white section of the face is left in blank and is drawn around the natural features of the face. This represents beauty as natural.
The story behind the look is to show two very polar-opposite ideas of beauty thus emphasizing why beauty is abstract. The black and white outlines are drawn in an abstract paint like manner to help suggest this further. The puzzle pieces in the model’s hair were particularly placed there – near the brain – to represent her thoughts. It suggests that beauty is a confusing and a puzzling concept that has no real definition and no two beauty ideals can fit together perfectly as they are so differnt to different people. Finally, the gems on her face were placed on top of blemishes to symbolise one’s ability to see beauty in imperfection. Beauty is just a concept that can easily be modified to someone’s taste.