Better lives blog post 4 – Peer review
Out of all the blog posts I have read and looked at, I decided to write a peer review on Imogen Haggath’s third blog post.
In this blog post Imogen wrote about how they are a hair and makeup student just like myself, but the difference is Imogen is a hair and makeup student for fashion whereas I am a hair, makeup and prosthetics student for theatre and performance. I really liked how they differentiated the two, which showed a great amount of understanding that Imogen had for both courses, I also found it quite interesting how Imogen, as a fashion makeup student decided to further their knowledge, by picking a course so similar to their own when they could have chosen something completely different, which would have given them a different perspective of another courses like, mask making, fashion styling and more.
Within Imogen’s blog post about makeup for performance, they wrote about the character idea that they had, and wanted to create, explaining how, this character would look and how they would have adapted to their surroundings e.g. adapted to a world or environment where the sun has damaged their skin, which makes me think of how some lizards and animals have adapted to dessert like environments. Imogen also talked about a peers piece of work, a mermaid that has evolved into having hair, which wouldn’t be necessary some thought as hair is not needed under the sea, with their evidence being that fish do not have hair.
These Ideas and character designs that Imogen and their peers came up with are incredibly detailed and out of the box, it shows how much research and thought has gone into their work, which thoroughly explores sustainability.
However, as Imogen was not able to actually make their ideas come to life on an actual model, I believe if they got the chance to, that’s where they could explore diversity and culture a bit more, This can be explored when it comes to picking a model to present their work. Imogen could either pick models that come from areas where the sun is quite harsh around them (Or an area where global warming has effected the most), which would further show how people from hot countries have adapted with their sun damaged appearance becoming an addition to their culture and a new way of life, or Imogen could choose a model that’s from a colder area, to show how they would have adapted to being exposed to a hotter environment without having the cultural knowledge to prevent themselves from burning in the sun.
Overall, I really liked Imogen’s, character design and I would really love to see it come to life. Their views and ideas on adaptability and sustainability has really opened my eyes to more, then just scratching the surface of what I can do.
Imogen’s blog post
Anna Aldridge: Blog 4 – Read another student’s blog and provide some comments (peer review) The blog that I will be reviewing…