Blog 4 Reflection on my peer’s work
All my peers have produced unique and fantastic responses to the 3 themes. In this blog, I’d like to discuss an example from each of the 3 categories that really inspired my thinking.

In the first theme evolution/adaptation (diversity), the design by Andra Curta is presented with a clear illustration and description that also left a lot of room for my imagination. I can imagine such a translucent other worldly creature, dragging herself across the face of earth, almost melting as she is walking. She seems fierce and vulnerable at the same time, with an outlandish beauty and elegance. Andra approached the theme very differently from me: she started from a logical projection for the future Earth, which she predicts to be heavily polluted and boiling hot. Then diversity come into such a representation of an alien species that subverts our reception of aliens. She has also given the character a prominent sexuality, which we rarely consider when it comes to alien. I think her design is a very impressive and unusual take on diversity.

Mabli Jones produced a very polished design to the theme ecological balance (sustainability). She clearly thought through every aspect of her design and left very detailed instructions on how to realize her design. What I really admire is given the circumstance of the virus, she fully utilized all the information from the powerpoints on latex/silicone makeup that Steven sent us and employed it in her design. While we are all restricted to practical and hands on learning, I can learn from her imaginative process, by looking at more online demonstrations and possibilities of these techniques we learned.

Lindsay’s response to Identity (social representation) has especially interesting descriptions that gives a lot of personality to the character. Dramatic and witty lines like “her years of smoking has motivated her teeth to leave and find a mouth of their own and lowered her voice about 5 octaves” bring the character to life. The coherent background story gives character depth, and it will help actors understand the tension and exaggerations on the different sides of her identity. I can see a full and believable character that captured the theme Identity in a very clever way. This inspires me to also be make my character designs as logical and believable as can be.
Joccoaa Theato: Joccoaa Theato Blog 4- Peer review: Zhaoyi’s 2nd blog post themes/ working on diversifying costume and designing for diverse actors:…