Blog 2
My choice of Better Lives project choice is Fashion Illustration with Sue Dray. I decided that this subject will help me to broaden my creativity and improve my drawing skills. We explored different artists and designers that are environmentalists and activist that are sending messages to people through fashion designs and illustrations. Our tutor showed us a variety of products and techniques on how to create a fashion illustration. On our first lesson we did practice of 6 drawings using continuous line, geometrical figures, dots and letters. Second practical lesson was to create an illustration out of magazine cuts. And third session was to create a presentation about sustainability, diversity or social responsibility in fashion industry that inspires you. I found these 3 lessons very inspiring, it demonstrated diverse aspects about fashion and fashion industry itself.
Throughout the first two lessons I discovered that there are enough ways to produce an illustration out of old newspaper or magazine, tissue paper, fingers, bubble wrap and chopped sponges. We were given variety of body templates, Sue Dray demonstrated how to copy a drawing of the figure onto the paper so that we can draw on top of that silhouette. My favourite part out of all sessions was the one where you use magazine cut outs. We used mismatched body parts like arms, legs, head, torso and positioning it in abnormal way. I have a thing about slogans and words, I found couple of them in magazines that are addressed to feminism such as “ How to wear your women power”, “Beautiful, Strong, Confident” as well as “women on the verge of a nervous breakdown” idea was to make it look fierce and powerful. Sue asked us to scan this image to our computer and try to do a digital version of it. However I do prefer pencil and paper. I also enjoyed the third session of this project on researching designers and artists who use fashion to show diversity, social responsibility and sustainability. My choice was about the smart fabric for deaf people who can experience the music through this garment. I did mention this project in my last blog, I was very moved by Inclusion Lecture and design of smart fabric. There were different subjects that some students found interesting and inspiring, like Gal – Dems magazine- an online and print publication committed to sharing perspective from women and non-binary people of colour. Overall, it made me want to discover more about artists and performers and activists who are trying to make difference in the world. It is very inspiring and makes you want to follow that way and spread the word on how to make a world a better place, to be responsible for your actions and make an example on how to treat each other with respect and educate about each other’s culture as well as how to care about our planet Earth and produce sustainable and diverse fashion in the future