Better Lives Blog1 – How emerging technology create a sustainable future to our lives?

How emerging technology create a sustainable future to our lives? Although, technology and fashion are often seen as completely different fields before. However, these two fields have always intersected to betterment of both industries. As technology presses forward, the better lives lecture, Emerging Technology, mentioned that each successive generation of computing becomes more personal, for example, AI has to be the most important step to improve our lives. The lectures have influenced my thinking is that I realized the future of fashion is technological, sustainable, automatized and connected in each part of the chain, from the designer who make the clothes to end customers.  

This question reminds me of two software (app) and one AI system example that I knew from the past which can prove that emerging technology can really create a sustainable future for people.  

Fashion Trend Forecasting 

In Japan, the streets of Shibuya and Harajuku are the most important place for the Asian fashion trend. What people are wearing in these area is very valuable data for AI, so the Toyko-based company, Fashion Pocket uses AI to analyze and assess fashion images in Japanese and global media and identify fashion trends information, such as colours, shapes and patterns. Fashion Pocket also provides this AI system to other large companies.   

This AI system generates analysis reports that conclude fashion trends picked up from millions of images and data every day from all over the world. I believe that this AI system can help improve retail turnover rates to reduce inventory and waste. 

3D Fashion Design Software 

Fig 1. 3D fashion project (2018) 

It was a 3D model wearing a stylish outfit which I designed with a software, CLO two years ago. CLO is a software that allows designers to create 3D looks. The software has great potential as it allows users to adjust their design without actually having to make one. The most important part of this software is that people can explore any possibilities at zero cost with the ability to design graphic, colors and patterns. Designer doesn’t need to do the physical fitting and pay the shipping costs by seeing all changes on their computer which means designer can complete the designs earlier and cost lesser than before. 

Clothing Style Recommendation 

Another AI system (app), Clothing Style Recommendation is increasingly used by companies to show their targeted product suggestions to their clients. Online clothing platform D Fashion uses AI system by mobile company DoCoMo to turn user images into sales promotion. The AI can not only recommend clothing for users, it also automatically analyze stores items, such as hats, pants, skirts and tops. It is very convenient that people are unnecessary go to the store to try the products, they can do it anywhere! 

As I mentioned before, AI has developed the ability to estimate fashion trends and helping people to choose what they are suitable for clothing. Teacher in the Emerging Technology lecture said that data is the most important thing for AI. AI acquires these data from store cameras, customer history purchase records, images and videos by clients upload to the social media or Youtube which reflect our preferences. Different kinds of emerging technology have process ahead, as a fashion student need to research emerging technology helping me guess what’s going to come next and how to use it into fashion field. To think about how to combine new technology to fashion to improve human’s life and create a sustainable future. 


Almond, N. (2020) ‘Emerging Technologies in Fashion’ [Lecture]. Better Lives, London College of Fashion, 11 February 

Lay, J. (2020) ‘Cultural Sustainability’ [Lecture]. Better Lives, London College of Fashion, 18 February 


Figure 1. Chun Pi, H (2018) 3D project-garment and space practice [Image]

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