Peer review blog 4

It was really interesting to read through my peers’ blogs and see various creative outcomes has reflected on Better Lives themes. 

Blog by Eleanor Parry Hensley where she has showed and discussed her outcome from Navigating through clothing seemed particularly interesting to me. In this project she has created a design for a costume for the character of Gretel.

It was really interesting to read that Eleanor looked back on her favorite childhood character – Pippi Longstocking which I believe has made her outcome more personal and meaningful.

Moreover, in her costume design she has also managed to reflect on their class trip to British museum where she came across  Edouard Vuillard who was a French painter. We can clearly see in her colorful design a link to the style of his paintings. To me that shows that the student has successfully reflected on the learning process to which she has been introduced in class.  

In addition to that,  her costume has been made from cotton which can be considered as sustainable material as it is biodegradable and renewable. This can be referred to one of the better lives theme – sustainability. Something that nowadays creatives should always consider when producing a garment. 

I think this outcome has been really successful as Eleanor showed the evidence of research and understanding of better lives themes in her final outcome. Also I really like that she has put something personal which made the costume design more artistic and meaningful.

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