Blog Post 3- Project Outcome Reflection

My Better lives project was Make Up Breakdown, something I chose because firstly I am already interested in this and also a skill I may be able to use in the future, alongside my own discipline of Costume for Performance.

Our project themes were all about the fashion mistake and the ideas of imperfection and how they can be turned into something that is perfect. I hadn’t started working on my final outcome for this project before the lockdown, which threw a lot of our plans into disarray. With everyone in quarantine back home away from Uni, it meant that a lot of people didn’t have access to the professional makeup we use in class, which prompted the use of some really unconventional materials that we used to develop our ideas. This linked into the Better Lives theme of sustainability, with a lot of people recycling materials and creating something really beautiful from them.

I worked with some old lace that I had unpicked from one of my old projects to make some bold shapes in the place of where makeup would typically go e.g. lips and eyebrows. Ultimately, the materials weren’t used in my outcome, but going through the process helped because using them as I developed my ideas helped me to focus on the themes and express myself in a way that felt really organic and unpressured.

My final design was heavily influenced by the New Romantics era and the bold colours and contours that they would use in their makeup. I took inspiration from the theme of diversity that I found important in the lectures, however I struggled to convey this fully in my final outcome, as I was only doing the makeup on myself.

I would love to explore what it may have looked like on someone else and I think it would have made even more of a statement on a man. A lot of my inspiration photos were of men, with the late 70s- early 80s being the time when people were more experimental with their gender and what it meant to be more feminine or masculine. Through my discipline of Costume for performance I will be able to explore the Better lives themes in a greater detail and with a better understanding than I had when I first started this course. I am looking forward to continue to learn about these topics, as I have become more aware of how they influence my everyday life and my creative processes as a designer.

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