I attended the workshop navigating through clothing which made me realized that during the process of the creation of your costume design you need to deeply understand who your character is; furthermore you also need to understand the body that you want to dress and the function that you want to intend.
Thanks to these classes I learnt more thoroughly the process behind a great costume and I deeply understood that our way of dressing, the brands that we are more comfortable with or the color of clothing that we purchase the most, represent our identity and our own character. When you need to create a character, or even think about your own, you have to understand what is the real essence of it; ask yourself questions and try to respond as your character would, identify with it and analyze the way of thinking, the cultural background and the story. They encouraged us to visit museums for realize how important is the ethnic cultures for the creation of a character.
Furtherly, I realized that we need to start thinking of our clothing as an interpretation of our inner self: our style is our identity and consequently our own character. I strongly believe that the way of dressing is not just for social reasons or for trends; we have to understand that if we choose a style between others is because it is the right representation of our beliefs and personalities. It is no doubt true that nowadays people tend to buy clothes, not just because they are comfortable with, but because they saw others wearing them, such as celebrities, influencers or fashion bloggers; for this reason they tend to follow the mass and forget about what really means fashion for them.
To sum up, thanks to the better lives course “navigating through clothing” I have learned that when we are talking about costume design it is important to be sure that every character is represented in a proper way and also, pay attention on a theme such as diversity during the creation of it. I really enjoyed looking and exploring the steps for the realization of a figure and the thoughts for a proper creation.