Blog post 1: Lecture Reflection Task
In the lecture, two keywords were brought up: environment and sustainability. Before attending Kate Fletcher’s lecture (5) on Nature, the meaning of the word ‘environment’ to me was just a synonym for the word ‘habitat’. It did not occur to me that our habitat; our natural environment is falling into a slow but impactful ruin by the glamourous fashion industry.
The natural environment has always been a great inspiration and motivation for designers. It saddens me that this creative notion will eventually lead to a negative impact on the environment just because of the various chemicals we used or the waste we produced to realize our creativity. David Attenborough, a great natural historian, once made a note of caution, saying human can create destruction to the global ecosystem without realizing (Attenborough, 2019). It took me years and this lecture to realize how important Mother Nature is to the fashion industry and how fashion is not reciprocating by taking more and more. The speed of fast fashion increases the production of pollution which it might seem harmless to someone who likes to buy off the rack to keep up with the fast fashion trends. However, in a long run, it will be a problem if our habitat were to be so polluted that humans can no longer live in the said environment.
To me, fashion could create better lives if the industry were to take one step behind and minimize the production of clothes. With influence from Fashion Revolution, a fashion company that brings environmental awareness into action, fashion could be seen as a building campaign to protect the natural environment.
The other keyword ‘Sustainability’ was a word that I came across every now and then in this Better Lives unit. Sure, I do have my fair share of knowledge and understanding what eco-friendly fashion is. What I did not know was that this 6-syllabus word could have a great influence in the fashion industry. This lecture makes me think of all the materials that I have used before to create fashion pieces or art. Realizing that I have a play in damaging the natural environment has brought awareness in me.
I started to think of the different materials and production I can use for my future assignment. For instance, I have been researching and playing around with a 3D printing pen. It works like a glue gun and creates shapes by heating up a poly lactic acid (PLA) plastic filament. It is a plastic that is biodegradable and has a lower melting point that does not produce harmful fumes. By using biodegradable materials in the fashion industry, I believe it can be a reminder for Fashion to give back to Mother Nature. I have taken a chance on believing that there will always be an alternative material for fashion or any arts to reduce the production of pollution while also ensuring that quality and beauty of the work.
Guardian Wires. (2020) David Attenborough Warns Of Damage Humans Can Do ‘Without Even Noticing’ Available at: (Accessed: 10 May 2020).
Joseph, F. (2020) What Are 3D Pens And How Do 3D Pens Work? Available at: (Accessed 10 May 2020).
Morgan, M. (2020) The Fashion Industry Emits More Carbon Than International Flights And Maritime Shipping Combined. Here Are The Biggest Ways It Impacts The Planet. Available at: (Accessed: 10 May 2020).