Blog Post 3
Blog Post 3 Project Outcome- Fashion Activism
The project that I chose for the Better Lives unit was Fashion Activism. As a Fashion Styling student I thought Creative Direction will further help me with my future projects. I was also very curious to explore this particular field further. The Better Lives unit and its three main pillars sustainability, diversity and social responsibility have had a major impact on my thinking. As a part of the Fashion Activism project this unit I learnt a lot. In our first class itself we were assigned into groups. At first, I was a little nervous to get out of my comfort zone and work with people from different courses but it actually turned out to be quite exciting. Each one of us came from not only different courses but different countries too and that is when I thought about diversity and looked forward to working with them. Combing everyone’s different ideas from their specific expertise into one was quite challenging and interesting. It also made me realise how diverse everyone’s thoughts are.
We as a group got ‘Nubian Skin’ as our brand to research on. We were told to make a moving image for the same. When we researched the brand, we saw there wasn’t a lot of male figures so we decided to add more transparency to our work. Before the Easter break we had made our mood board, decided how and where are we going to shoot. However things did not turn out the way we expected them to because of the pandemic and the way we are working right now has drastically changed and is completely opposite to our expectations. Nonetheless we still tried our best and found a way to connect digitally through zoom calls and figured out a way to still proceed with our idea but in a different way altogether. We added a lot of illustrations and made it look graphically pleasing as we didn’t have the equipment to shoot with due to the lockdown.

Overall, I had a more positive thought towards the turn that this whole unit took. This whole situation was in itself a new experience for me. It taught me how the same amount of work can be produced on time even from different parts of the world. Experimenting and engaging with the Better Lives unit and visual language has made me consider the issues in a fashion context. I am glad that we were able to relate our work to one of the Better lives theme which is ‘Diversity’.