Blog 3: Project Outcome and personal development

I am convinced that every new experience leads to more knowledge and personal growth for every individual. I also believe that this was the case for myself during Better Lives. The course I have chosen for Better Lives was Fashion Activism. Starting the course made me feel both nervous and excited. Excited, because I could meet new people from different courses and nervous, because I did not know what the group work would be like. During our course I had the possibility to learn more about the role of a Creative Director. Creative Direction can be described as a process of interaction, where Art and Design meet Strategy. In essence, Creative Direction is visual communication.

The purpose of my course was to create a fashion film for a specific brand. Fashion videos are used to tell a story, which is communicated for instance through sound, effects, typography, style, clothes and more. For creating the fashion film our course was divided into groups and given a brand. As a group, we researched the brand’s aesthetic, ethos and positioning to develop ideas for our video. The brand of my group was Nubian Skin. Nubian Skin is a lingerie brand that was founded, because there was a lack of skin-tone choices for women of colour. The idea behind Nubian Skin is to empower and embrace women of colour. Before the holidays, we pursued the idea of filming the video outside, in nature. However, this idea turned out to be quite difficult to implement due to the current situation of crisis that made it impossible for us to go back to university and meet in person. Therefore, the only way to communicate was digitally. It was a rather difficult and stressful situation since the deadline for the submission of our fashion film was rapidly approaching. Finally, we came up with the idea of making a moving image. For the moving image we used neutral colours and images of models presented on the brand’s Website and Social Media page. Strikingly, for us, even though the brand focuses on diversity, there was a lack of male models in the campaign. This is the reason why we came up with the idea of creating a film showing men and women equally.

Working on the project in a group was definitely a great experience. I enjoyed meeting people from different courses, who not only had different ideas and views on specific aspects, but who also had different skills. For instance, one of our groupmates had great Photoshop and InStyle skills that were useful for creating the film.

As stated before, our task met with the obstacle of us not being able to work together, which is normally essential for group work. Overcoming this obstacle made me realize that every difficulty can be solved. I definitely believe that Better Lives made me grow as an individual and engage more with the Better Lives themes. Furthermore, through creating this fashion film I understood how to communicate these themes and create a story for a specific brand. All in all, it was inspiring getting an insight into the work as a Creative Director.

Here you can find our fashion film:

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