BLOG 4: peer review

Among all the good blogs written by my fellow course mates, I have been engaged by the works of Umberto who, like me, chose to discuss on power’s lecture and moreover, I found out we have common perspectives on the current  world’s situation and how the course of better lives has been essential to help us to embrace these difficult times. Both of us expressed clearly the most important concepts of this unit: Sustainability, Social responsibility and diversity. 

I was very captivated by Umberto’s concerns and vision on ways which this moment can influence not only the fashion industry but everyone to focus and adapt new sustainable measures to save lives and the planet. He pointed out the importance of being socially responsible towards our communities and those who right now are going through intense times to save lives and keep the essential supply chain working. I agree with this statement and I believe that better lives taught me as well as to Umberto to have new and conscious approaches to this situation. For example, we had both to adapt our creative projects with limited tools and resources, this surely helped us to be even more creative and think outside the box by coping without our pre-pandemic comfort zone. 

Nonetheless, Umberto had clear concerns and ideas on the theme of sustainability which sees as protagonist the whole fashion industry. In my opinion, I believe as much as Umberto that big names and companies who has power in the industry should educate the consumers and new generations of buyers to act responsibly through an ethical and responsible marketing campaigns. I undeniably believe that this should start from the big fashion houses to have a clear impact on smaller businesses in the industry. Indeed, I found coherent that Umberto sustained this by mentioning the projects and works of the house of Giorgio Armani and Vivienne Westwood who could be considered as two pioneers of this new chapter of the fashion community. 

Overall, I would say that I am very enthusiastic to see my peer who, like me, used this unit to leave the comfort zone and experiment something new and especially sustainable. Umberto indeed, decided to take the course of make-up for fashion which helped him to think outside the box and produce some outstanding make ups with illusion and distortion effects. I really enjoyed reading his loyal approach to the project when he mentions that even though, it was all new and difficult, at the end he managed to put himself  in this new subject and learn from the unit to collaborate effectively with his course matesand last but not least to be more secure and sustainable when throwing away some of the products he used. 

Umberto’s Blogs:

BLOG TASK 1: Reflections on one or more of the Better Lives lectures and how they have influenced your thinking

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