Project outcomes and personal development

Throughout the Better Lives project, the subjects that have become the most important and relevant to me were diversity and social responsibility. Throughout the process of engaging with the lectures and participating in workshops, my thoughts of how these themes apply to my every day practice has developed in a positive way.

After the lecture portion of the project finished, I became aware of how these themes are becoming increasingly present in our daily life. Throughout the ‘Make up Breakdown’ specialism designed for makeup design in fashion, I was introduced to the techniques of colouring, colour theory and contour to begin with. The skills I have learnt from the colouring class has allowed me to assess which tones of foundation work on different skin types and colours; a very important skill in the ever-increasingly diverse industry as it means everyone is catered for and no one is left out. The first classes were designed to introduce us to the fundamentals of makeup so that we could go off and be free to create our own designs based on the themes ‘Imperfections’ and ‘The Fashion Mistake’. These themes pushed us to create designs that celebrate these concepts and highlight the beauty in having what society perceives as ‘flaws’.

My designs were based on using found object around the house (due to the fact we could no longer access the workshops) to play on the idea of the fashion mistake. My first design was inspired by over-the-top accentuated eyelashes using large strips of foil adhered to my eye area to create drama. For my next look, I developed my ideas to highlight the fashion mistakes of the 80s by involving the concept of colour theory and playing with conflicting and complimentary colours in an eye and contour look. Through using only materials from around the house and what I have disposable to me, I have been able to push my creativity and appreciate the work I have been able to produce.

Through participating in a different discipline, I have been able to expand my interests and have gained a new knowledge and outlook on the way people work in different industries and how different ideas and concepts inform this work. The project has pushed me to do my own self-directed research into new and interesting subjects such as the mistakes of the 80s and most importantly the ideas of social responsibility in the cosmetics industry. I have been encouraged throughout to asses where my materials are coming from and how they have been manufactured.

Given the way in which we have all had to adapt our desired outcomes to fit these circumstances within a new mode of learning, I am pleased with how I have directed and executed my final design. I am especially pleased with the aspect of recycling materials that I have found which has allowed me to further explore the theme of sustainability and social responsibility whilst pushing me to work more creatively, imaginatively and productively; skills I will be taking with me to my own practice.

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