Blog 3

I have reflected a lot throughout the Better Lives unit and through choosing “Makeup Breakdown” as my Better Lives theme I have realised further how relevant the topics of sustainability, social responsibility and diversity are in everything we do. 

I chose ‘Makeup Breakdown’ to enhance my skills in makeup, as a creative direction student who often uses photography, I wanted to be able to have the skill of makeup for times when I didn’t have a makeup artist for my models. I found exploring makeup to be interesting and useful in learning the basics of makeup application on a model, however I also learnt the art of ‘imperfection’, which is one of the themes we explored within our classes. This idea of ‘imperfection’ was my most valuable lesson that I had taken away from the whole experience in the makeup classes , as it reminded me that not everything had to be executed perfectly in order to have a successful outcome.

This idea links well to the theme of diversity, as within the workshop we spoke about enhancing what were considered ‘flaws’ or ‘imperfections’ and normalising these qualities in people and in makeup looks.

During the finalisation of our project we were asked to produce a final makeup look based off of the themes we have experimented with in class : colour theory, fashion mistake and imperfection. Unfortunately due to COVID 19 these looks had to be presented on ourselves and we had to use the materials that we had at home. Personally, I do not own a lot of makeup products so I think it was a good idea to curate the project to encourage the students to use non cosmetic and non traditional products on the face to create a look. I found this much more stimulating than using traditional makeup products and I found that it was a good way to challenge our creativity. 

Personally, as I resonated so much with the lecture by Kate Fletcher on ‘Nature’, I wanted to produce a final outcome that reflected our connection with nature within the look. During the time that we have been in lockdown I have been using the time to do gardening and to spend as much time outside as I can. There have been many flowers growing in my garden and I decided to use as the main material for my final makeup look. I liked the idea of a material that supposedly had no more use, and found that this was much more sustainable than ordering products or objects for this specific look. As one of the flowers had fallen, instead of binning it, I decided to re-use it and re-purpose it by using it within the look. Inspired by makeup artists such as Wendy Rowe and Anastasia Durasova, I attached the petals directly onto my face using Vaseline as the adhesive. I found that the petals began to wilt and break apart however I think this highlighted the fragility of nature and the beauty within the imperfection of the look itself. 

The Better lives theme have definitely encouraged me to think more about how I approach certain projects by thinking more sustainably and more mindfully in terms of what message I am portraying to my audience. I think my final outcome was successful; it portrayed the beauty in the imperfect and clearly presented how something previously dead, can once again come alive in another form. 

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