Blog post 3- Project outcome and personal development

In fashion activism my group and I were assigned to make a moving image for the brand Emily Bode. We decided that we wanted to make a video that could be published on either the website or social media. We started off by each taking an area of the brand and finding out its aesthetic. My job was to find the aesthetic of the photography and moving imagery Bode had already published.

We all found that they carry a minimalistic, calm and naturalistic vibe. After some brainstorming, we decided to make a short look book video. Unfortunately, lockdown happened before we could execute this, so we were forced to film over zoom.

To make it more interesting I came up with the idea to ad landscapes. The final idea was to each film a landscape and create an outfit to match both the landscape and Bode’s aesthetic. Then film our look book over zoom and put it all together in a minimalistic style. Once all the clips are put together, we decided to add a vintage effect as we felt this matched the brand very well. To tie it all together we found an upbeat but clam song that matched the quick cuts.

As for better lives themes, we interpreted mainly sustainability and diversity. Sustainably through creating outfits from clothing already owned and putting emphasis on the nature and its importance. Diversity by using ourselves as models. In the start I thought we may use a professional model for our film but I am super glad we didn’t as it ads a personal touch to the it.

I am super happy with how the video turned out considering the circumstances. It has a real nostalgic feel and is aesthetically pleasing.  I am super proud that we all put an equal amount of work into it.  Although I was used to working in teams prior to this, the circumstances with Covid-19 created a bit of a challenge. However, we were all super communicative and voiced our ideas openly to get the best result possible.

The main thing I learned from this process is that you can do a lot without even meeting each other. It was a very interesting experience to create a body of work with a team where everyone is in a different time zone and over the internet. I’m glad I got to do it this way though as it taught me a lot about communication and the importance reliability and punctuality. We had a few times where people forgot about meeting resulting in us having to wait a whole day or more due to the difference in time zones. In the end we all managed to pull together and create something we can all be equally proud of. That was one very important thing for me int his project, that we each played in equal role in the production of the video and I believe that was very successful.

Link to video:

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