Blog3:Preject Outcomes and Personal Growth

All along, in my opinion, fashion is not for the whole society or the general public, and it is not able to deeply involve social fields such as politics, but now I decided to change this view. Through continuous learning and exploration over the past few weeks, I am deeply aware that the development of a brand is also inseparable from its social status and the ideas it conveys to the public. Building a good and positive social image is like wearing a formal dress when attending a meeting. Starting from an objective first impression, the brand can get a certain amount of positive attention.

“Being in touch with the company’s audiences, creating strong relationships with them, reaching out to the media, initiating messages that project positive images of the company, assuming social responsibility, and even adjusting company policies.” As generating an increase in goodwill and brand awareness, Public Relations is the responsibility to build a trust between the brand and their audience, protecting their reputation. However, if a new brand needs to make a good public relation, the first thing for them is just to take a clear direction and find the right position in all the sides.

Therefore, when I chose House of Sheldon Hall as my brand, I released that is quite hard for my team. House of Sheldon Hall definitely can be said as a totally new brand, even it started a few years. Because of the one-year interruption, it also makes a big change of the brand style, but fortunately the interruption didn’t make it worse, actually advancing it a high level. When we saw the 2019 and 2020 seasonal, we just know how we could make a public relation for this brand. In the current public relation, fashion media need effective to deliver the message which wants to communicate with audience. As the traditional media is replacing by social media, collaboration is the main way to build a landscape. At the same time, having a cause or charity also a good idea to develop a brand, that can make more synthetical. House of Sheldon Hall is a womenswear brand, making fashion as arts, with the unique British culture and target market are women brave enough to live out their fantasy’s through fashion. Therefore, we choose Feminist as the cause, looking for a charity as a long team partner which is called UltraViolet, also can advertise messages by donating. 

In conclusion, in the Better Lives unit, Messaging Fashion class, I learned how to develop a brand effectively and knew the current connection with fashion media and fashion brands and the whole society. Fashion is not only about giving people the right to beauty, but also using various fields of fashion to examine the problems that exist in society and urgently need to be dealt with. The success of a brand is not only due to the annual sales and how to lead a new fashion style, but also whether the brand has fulfilled its social responsibilities and the unique brand philosophy it wants to convey to the audience.

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