Blog 1 – Lecture Reflection
The Better Lives lectures have encouraged me to reflect and contemplate on the norms and values of today’s society. It has provided me with an insight into three main themes being; diversity, sustainability, and social responsibility. The lectures that have really grasped my attention both fell under the category of sustainability. ‘Nature’ by Kate Fletcher and ‘Power’ by Julia Crew both spoke the truth about environmental and human sustainability and how as individuals we play a crucial role in both matters.
To begin with, during Fletcher’s lecture she discussed a word called “The Anthropocene” which initially was a foreign word. The anthropocene is basically a term to describe the period of time whereby human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment. During this lecture she also talked about ‘Easter Island’ which is a clear example of a society which destroyed itself by overexploiting its own resources. The main explanations were that people failed to anticipate future consequences of their action, while losing touch of what was really important, which is ‘Nature’. “We are killing the liveliness of life” Fletcher quoted, a tragic quote but one that definitely made me reflect on myself as a consumer today. I began to realise how small acts of respect to the environment such as rejecting straws and plastic bags were not visibly changing the world but it was definitely a positive step towards the right direction.
In addition, Julia Crew’s lecture on power was also very eye opening. During the lecture she discussed power in fashion, money, media, consumer and protest. It was really interesting when she spoke particularly about Power in money where she mentioned that 62 very rich people acquire as much wealth as half of the global population which is 3.5 billion people. Julia also mentioned the term “Race to the bottom” which is a situation whereby companies compete with each other to reduce costs by paying the lowest wage or giving workers the lowest conditions. This wasn’t new knowledge but was still heartbreaking to hear again about the amount of inequality that exists in the world and how those in power control and govern the lives of the lower classes. This lecture influenced me to consider the items I purchase today and question whether all stakeholders were treated fairly in the production of a product.
Most of the Better Lives lectures have provided me with a food for thought and have influenced me to think in a wider spectrum while also considering my daily consumption and actions. I think the concept of Better Lives should be more acknowledged and enforced in schools because people need to be educated about the truth and be prepared to change for the better.
Fletcher, K. (2020) ‘Nature’ [Lecture]. Better Lives, London College of Fashion, 13 February.
Crew, J. (2020) ‘Power’ [Lecture]. Better Lives, London College of Fashion, 14 February.