Blog post 4

BPeer review

Response to Selena Denvir-Jones

Finding a blog post to review was very tough for me to choose as they’re all extremely interesting and with a different point of view. After careful considering, I stumbled across Selena Denvir-Jones blog posts and I felt very connected to the things she touched upon. I believe that she successfully reflected on the better lives themes by looking into the concept of well-being and “the importance of well-being in fashion”. She touched upon Ethical issues within the fashion industry and how it effects the world. She does a lot of unpacking and self-reflection when it comes to looking at the ways that the hierarchy of needs in life is also present in her own. Selena brought up very interesting points that were very close to home for me and made me also reflect on my ways of life. 

 It was very interesting to find that I am not the only person that has been upcycling fabrics, especially during this time. That gave a great sense of comfort, knowing that my peers are also engaging in different ways to create new garments and promote sustainability. She was very homiest in her approach, we as a nation do find it hard to stay consistent with our values, it has been especially difficult during the pandemic as people are more concerned about their mental states and making themselves happy instead of thinking about the greater good. She demonstrated that one alone is not enough, we can all benefit from a wider base of motivation when it comes to putting the better lives themes into practise.

I learnt that many people now have the time to come up with such wonderful ideas of how to avoid fast fashion. Being stripped of work/university has helped society to be more grateful for the little things, including innovative ways to showcase fashion. Selena touched upon social responsibility and sustainability, However, she did not necessarily touch upon diversity as a whole. She has clearly expressed her own person frustrations and illnesses. I am well connected with her peer responses because I too felt like a had the virus. Despite self diagnosing, onlin shopping for clothes and sorting through which has will go to charity definitely paves the way for a better way of lives.

She incorporated psychological standpoints into her reasonings and turn her thoughts and ideas into actions. Her posts are great because She outlines all the benefits of sustainability. Her posts could’ve been better if she was more open to the idea of challenging representation within the fashion world and her diversity can contribute to a better world. Selena openly expresses the way she feels about fashion waste by pushing her idea of reselling her own cloths.

Ultimately, I learnt that other stylists also feel deeply about the disadvantages that come along with keeping up with trends and using fashion as a way of fulfilling happiness. There is a fine line between retail therapy and being fashionable in an unhealthy way. She constantly refers back to how societal expectations and events can have positive/negative effect on the direction and progression of the better lives’ themes in the real world. She does not sugar coat and she is raw in her approach to giving awareness, that is what I loved about her posts the most.

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