Blog post 3

Project outcomes and personal development

My moving image is all about my experiences during quarantine. It is a very short sequence of events from different parts of my isolation experience. I’ve decided to create a short clip as the shortness gives a real sense of how we a society haven’t been able to do much. My concept Is “being still” as you will see what life has been like for me the past 2 months, my balcony and being bare foot on the balcony has become my definition of outside. Walks to the shops/ park have become my daily runway. I’ve tried to incorporate some of the better lives’ themes into my day to day life by re-wearing garments/ ordering clothes online to model in for Instagram and returning them once done with them. The culture of “borrowing clothes” has been an advantage as it allows me to temporarily enjoy trends whilst not having to spend money trying to keep up. 

Fashion styling during this time has become a way of expression as woman are getting dressed indoors, this gives a sense of being rebellious and it also shows that fashion activism during quarantine is being used as a means of social change. People are at ends wits with the current pandemic and are expressing it through fashion which is very inspiring for me.

My initial idea was inspired by Ade Hassan who is the founder of the brand Nubian Skin. A UK underwear brand that focuses on diversity by redefining the term “nude”. I loved the idea of interpretation and birthing art out of frustration. I decided that I would create a sequence of random events from my quarantined life when I’m feeling the most frustrated. Although some may interpret the moving image as peaceful, I want my audience to connect with me and my sense of feeling trapped indoors. 

Nubian skin is inspired by personal struggles and low representation. A brand dedicated to all women worldwide by offering a wide range of nude/ skin tone hosiery. “Empowering women, embracing our colour”. A world where black woman are included in the skin tone choices. Little things like finding the correct shade of foundation, lingerie, Etc…  gives a feel of familiarity. It Is no secret that common retail beauty supply stores have a bigger supply of tones for Fairer skin women. However, Brands like Nubian skin helps to kick start the revolution. No one should have to go through the frustrations of feeling excluded in the fashion community.

I personally can relate to the brands values. She is a positive advocate for the word “nude” establishing a brand-new meaning. Deflecting from the sexual meaning of the word and focusing on the many different tones of nudes that the nations create. A very clever concept. An undergarment can make or break a lot. It can create a silhouette and help blend in garments seamlessly.

The Aesthetics of the brand is very thorough, clear and unapologetically black. A very classy and soft feel. A breakthrough in the fashion industry. Engaging with the audience and listening to the needs/demands within fashion. “Relevant, variety & luxury”.

I’ve heavily reflected on how my fashion footprint effects my mental state and how it could also uplift others and give a sense of hope.
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