Blog Post 4 – peer reflection

Within this final blog post, I will review a peer’s blog, to see how they interpreted and explored the Better Live themes throughout this unit. I found it to be insightful looking through the different posts and realising not only did everyone consider the themes in regard to the wider fashion industry, but also how they were able to adapt and implement them into their practice. The ideas and concepts people explored under the bracket of these themes were vast, and I found it extremely interesting to learn about many different designers, projects, causes etc. in line with these three topics — sustainability, social responsibility and diversity. 
People’s final outcomes of this project were vastly different and often personal. After reading many posts I decided to review Lynn Nwosu’s as I felt their writing was informative, insightful and responsible in regard to their outcome. 

I initially was interested in Lynn’s blog as they stated how the exploration of Messaging Fashion was a new and unknown venture, how they admire “ the business side of the industry” and felt having this knowledge was essential. This concept of learning about a new facet of the fashion industry you had no prior experience with, can make for an interesting journey, something I believe Lynn successfully documented in a clear and informative structure. 

The journey throughout this project was interesting to follow, it felt like an honest progression of research and outcome, with diversity and social responsibility at its core. I was particularly interested to learn about the brand Patta who base much of their work around, in Lynn’s words “initiate(ing) projects in aim to inspire youth to entrepreneurship, to be the role models of the next generation.” After an unsure start in regard to the integrity of the brand, Lynn’s proactive first hand research in the soho store proved to inspire and fuel the project.

For me the most interesting part of this blog post was to learn about the way in which Lynn and group copped with the changing times of COVID-19. The adjustment of working methods and final presentation format was key in ensuring this project was carried out to the best possible standard in this difficult time. It was with resilience and compromise Lynn and group were able to finalise an outcome that had the three themes at its core, whilst being socially responsive in a state of emergency, adapting using collaborative methods such as “Instagram live conversations”. 

The final outcome of the project was, as Lynn states “far from what we first intended” however with the final idea being “a fundraiser enabling us to give back to the NHS” – where in “the idea was to organise a mini-festival” to combat loneliness in this disparate time, fully embodied the ideas of inclusivity and being socially responsible whilst also noting the importance of a “diverse and inclusive lineup” shows a journey of development throughout this project.

One thing I would perhaps like to know more about, is the way in which Lynn would implement these practices learnt through the overcoming of many obstacles within this project into their future work, as well as how the better lives themes could be considered in everyday life and further practice.

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