Blog Post 4: Peer Review

For the final blog, we’ve been tasked with writing a review on one of our peer’s blog posts and reflect on how they have interpreted the better live themes. After scrolling through a variety of posts I’ve realised that the majority have gained contrasting understandings behind these themes and everyone has had differed experiences in their allocated projects. 

The blog I have chosen to reflect on for this is written by Alicia Chana Escapa – BLOG 3: Project outcomes and personal development reflection task. The reason for this is that I found the content extremely relevant with today’s circumstances in mind. Her attitude towards the COVID-19 pandemic certainly moved me with its sincerity while at the same time keeping an open-minded approach to the personal issues it had raised. Alicia mentioned her opinion rightly so at the very beginning of the blog that ‘right now more than ever we need to be socially responsible, not just in fashion, but in our everyday life’. Then on developing her outcome for hair and makeup she has structured the blog in a flowing form reflecting on how she has personally adapted to life while respecting government advice with responsibility, protecting herself and others and avoiding none essential travel to collect make up tools. The fact this has inspired her to think outside of the box is something I can relate to as a person also in the creative industry that would usually rely on typical tools and devices. During my time in Isolation, I analysed the opportunities within my art of image making, coming to the conclusion I should turn to self portraiture. Of course this idea is the first solution when human contact and face to face collaboration is forbidden, but without any studio lighting, film process equipment and only a suit case of casual clothing, capturing something in my style became almost impossible. With mindful choice of natural and domestic lighting, all too familiar location and my own wardrobe I had been forced to change the way I work; an experience of my own and Alicia’s prove it can still pan out as a really compelling piece of art, often more so with the impact of sympathy and relation viewers may feel when looking at these lockdown alterations. Alicia responded similarly by replacing her makeup pallets with aspects of nature, surrounding materials and additional accessories such as PPE that bring together the series suitably by resembling realism and context.

To a T, Alicia has made [Image 3] a combination of virtual, literal and metaphorical visuals of the way in which she perceives health care workers at this point in time; a motive that came from an unfortunate sighting that moved her in an opposing way. Her response is somewhat negative with such draining makeup, but uplifting at the same time with use of wings resembling their angelic behaviour and care. 

This student has clearly demonstrated progression in trail of thought and experience with unusual materials. She has shown awareness of her surroundings and given evidence of her passion towards social responsibility with sincerity and touching art.

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