Themes Reflection

It was not easy to find the theme of my project, but I was sure from the beginning that my feature for Fashion Journalism was going to be based on certain situations I was able to witness on the fashion industry from a manufacturing country, in this case Peru.  As I was writing the story, I realized that the themes from Better Lives: Sustainability, Diversity and Social Responsibility fit somehow with my culture and homeland background but not always in the good aspect.  I´ve always felt that no matter in which industry you work, you can help others. Social Responsibility and Diversity was two of the themes I was drawn to, after I saw the struggle of my country for many years to act on behalf of communities away from the capital which, during the years of terrorism, they were left behind and suffered abuse and indifference. However, I have been able to be part from the new generation who have learned that we are a multicultural society and should feel proud from our roots. Now, I do believe that the lectures about diversity, sustainability and social responsibility and access to relevant experience first hand, definitely, had an impact on the way I want to approach my way of work in my career in the future. The importance that everything matters, people, animals and our natural resources and if this is done in a sustainable and responsible matter everyone wins as a chain of reaction in which it could lead to build a better society where inequity and abuse will not affect people´s life.

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