Peer´s Review

My peer review of Juan Ocampo Echevery`s Blog.

I found a few blogs related to personal experience and cultural background matching with the themes of better lives. So to choose my peers’ review was challenging, until I discovered a blog about Representation from Juan Ocampo Echeverry. While I was reading the first paragraph of the blog, I agreed on a way in which he said that you could leave behind some heritage or roots because on the society you were growing up. It did not feel much of an issue, and as he did not even notice because it always felt normal to him to feel related to his birth nationality than to his parents background.  He had to move to another country to experience feeling unrepresented in such a publicised industry as Fashion, when the reality he explained is still seen on many Latin American societies between their own multicultural communities. I say this because in the 90´s, the mayority of advertisments used to have a Caucasian figure that would only represent 1% of the population in my country. Many people became, as Juan Ocampo described them on the blog as marginalised and undesirable, to the point that they started to feel ashamed from their roots to the point of lying about where they were coming from.  People feeling unrepresenting in thier own country that`s even harder than being somewhere else.

He addresses Diversity from a very personal experience, and I found it very inspiring because it is on those situations you realice the flaw that the society you are living in has.  I liked the way he put in context about the values that LCF shares and the importance they have to move forward as forward as a community that celebrates and integrates every individual, and that is true. Because when someone starts to have those values is when channels like social media have an unprecedent role to speak up for no privileged and unrepresentative individuals.

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