peer review

Thanks for Julia Bialy’s blog, she share many meaningful opinions about the three aspects of better lives,and it makes me feel more about how to make better lives for the world.

In her first blog post, she addressed the issue of cultural consensus.This is one aspect of cultural and social sustainability, as the fashion industry has grown, the problem of cultural appropriation has become more apparent.Everyone deserves respect for their culture as well, it is also extremely important in a world of cultural diversity.But many designers may inadvertently ignore this point, resulting in cultural erosion.Julia realized that, it is important to respect other cultures while focusing on the diversity of fashion innovations, and make every effort to create more socially empathetic projects, bring consumers together to create more new possibilities.This is our younger generation of designers to pay attention to the problem,Julia pointed this out very pointedly in her blog.This is a good solution to the problem of cultural diversity, teaches us to bring cultural concepts into our works and to integrate consciousness. 

 Environmental sustainability is essential to the good life.Waste materials, such as cardboard and old newspapers, can be recycled for secondary creation, which is a good way to reduce material waste.Julia also mentioned this aspect, it is reflected in our course.However, for anyone, material waste is inevitable.Fashion plays a very important role in representing one’s identity. So it is inevitable that some old clothes will be discarded.Waste is also a problem in the cosmetics and skincare industries,Julia mentions that, overconsumption is prevalent in these industries, this means a lot of waste packaging.So what we should do is to avoid excessive waste and make our beauty routine as simple as possible while protecting our skin.

  Each person is unique, which is most reflected in the diversity of each person’s thinking, Julia’s words are very inspirational.As a designer, we should put ourselves in others’ shoes, so that we can create more satisfying works, this is the essence of diversity.It is the uniqueness of each person that leads to the diversity of the work, we should bring ourselves and others into the work.This is not only what Julia wants to achieve, but also what I have been working on.

  In her third blog, she mentioned one of your artistic creation processes, which enlightening to me.It is difficult to judge the criterion of right and wrong, good and bad in artistic creation, artistic freedom can have unexpected effects on every designer.

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