my future after these themes

My present work is already being adapted after realizing its impact and my future work will definitely keep following these steps and will encourage others to do the same. The base of my work will have updated research on ethical problems. It’s about time for society to acknowledge that we, together, have the power to make so many lives start being treated with dignity and the fundamental humans’ rights that should be accessible to all. 

As a makeup artist and hair stylist, I intend when looking for companies to buy makeup or even to shoot to make sure they are not taking advantage of anyone’s lives. I’ll do my research on each brand and try to open people’s eyes on the internet and through my work. Just like I used to be so ignorant, unaware of these problems and how common they are, I am sure, millions of people out there are as well and have no idea how much their purchases are affecting others or even that the brands they are buying are doing this. They might even think the government has rules for this but no clue that brands go to other countries for cheaper labour. 

 I want to bring with my work the message that we all are a part of this cycle, therefore we have a say in what and how it happens. 

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