Fashion Photography and the Better Lives themes

Every generation throughout History has always tackled the previous’ mistakes. A good example that we are currently living is ‘Global Warming.’ Pollution has become a topic highly connected to our times that is currently being fought by the younger generations, while mostly being disregarded by the older ones. I’ve always thought of humanity as a species that fights its self for growth and improvement and the current values we should implement are in fact the ones being taught by our college: sustainability, diversity and social responsibility. These are I believe the pillars we need to adopt now, in order to move forward as a less egoistic, selfish and politically incorrect society driven by capitalism. 

In my previous blog post I briefly explored how diversity is necessary for us to create a society that values all as equal, but now it is also immensely necessary to learn that just as we should respect all humans the same, we should do so as well with the planet and environments that houses us. The negative effects that we are creating in the planet affect not only us in a wider time frame, but also other species that share these valuable resources we are taking so carelessly. Our selfish way of consuming with ignorance and such huge lack of care are causing irreversible impacts that will define whether this planet is able to sustain us for any longer. Capitalism has created a way of living that is unsustainable in every single way. After learning and educating myself on these first two themes, ‘Social Responsibility’ follows as the third. It is us as consumers who have the choice and also the responsibility to take educated and mindful decisions when shopping for products that are widely known to have a big impact on the environment. We as ever evolving individuals have the duty to become more conscious and knowledgeable of the actions we decide to take, because after all we are responsible for our own decisions and their effect wether its positive or negative. And it is also our duty to teach others and give visibility to these very important topics. 

I’ve realised my way of work will change from now on like it always has after I learn a new thing. Now I will try to focus and back my work as a photographer to give visibility to diversity and environmental consciousness, as it is my responsibility to do. As a visual artist I will do so, through my images. And just like I will, I hope others do through their own occupations. 

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