essay and messaging fashion

When choosing a brand for messaging fashion in better lives I took into consideration it’s ethics and what the company stands for. 

My group and I could have chosen a bigger brand, but we wanted to have a small one and understand how they work and how honest they are about their principles. Once we saw HOSH really was all about uplifting and empower others and not stepping on them in order to succeed we knew it was the brand to go with. 

As for this essay… well, to be honest there were so many topics that I felt were so important, it got hard for me to choose a small amount. Also, they are all so connected it gave me a hard time thinking how to separate them. So, I tried to focus on the things that really opened eyes and changed the way of seeing the world and my actions. 

Now when looking for clothes and other products I have this voice in my head reminding me to be aware and choose wisely. 

I even started to have discussions and opened conversations with friends and family in order to bring them consciousness on the topic. 

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