Blogpost 1 – Culture Anna Fitzpatrick

In our first blogpost we were asked to attend and watch a series of lectures across the first two weeks of the Better lives unit, these lectures all explored the themes of sustainability, diversity and social responsibility and how these themes can impact they way we interact with fashion. I decided to write my first blogpost about Anna Fitzpatrick’s lecture on culture. Fitzpatrick speaks about sustainability in relation to our cultural context and in particular our consumer culture. Fashion impacts our culture so much, however one thing that impacts everyone of us and doesn’t discriminate is our planet. The environment is one of the few things in which we can and cannot control. Our bad habbits that we have developed over the years is weighing in on our planet and in this lecture Anna Fitzpatrick speaks about how we have less than ten years to change our ways to fix our environment before what we have done to it becomes unuchangable. This lecture truly highlights how important sustainability is in fashion now more than ever; and how fashion is “dependant on land, water, air, animal”. The way we experience fashion; and each do so in an individual and different way, however the demand for such fast fashion and new and always changing trends is becoming uncontrollable, this is negatively impacting our environment, this topic had always interested me as it wasn’t up until recently enrolling at this university is it that I was made aware that fashion was one of the worlds biggest polluters. Anna Fitzpatrick discusses how consumer culture is a large factor in encouraging fast fashion and how we as consumers perceive fashion this is one of the key reasons we demand the newest look and trend and want new, however we need to all be more socially aware of what is going on. Fitzpatrick finishes the lecture by addressing the topic of social media and how social media and consumer culture go hand in hand. There is such a large market now for selling via social platforms whether that be through an influencer or a shop established through Instagram but also addresses how this  affects the mental health of the consumers. Influencers have the power to start a brand new trend or bring something back into fashion and even making something ‘unfashionable’ howeverthe minds of their followers are so impressioble that platforms such as ‘Instagram’ can cause negative imapacts. I find this so important to speak about as social media impacts all of our daily life and whether we see it or not, it does impact what we buy and what we decide to like, Fitzpatrick said in the lecture “consumer culture encourages us to seek happiness through consumption” therefore our happiness is measured by and through having physical products and items of clothing that we can post online. This is a harsh truth that we all have to accept is our life now. I personally think it sounds horrendous to say it outloud however, it is the truth that Instagram is seen as more of a ranking app or who gets the most likes or followers or even the nicest pictures. 

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