Sustainability, diversity and social responsibility are the three Better Lives themes. I believe that they are all fundamental components to everything that we do; from the way we live our lives to, perhaps more importantly, how we, as creators, work and put ideas or content out into the world. 

For me, sustainability is extremely important, especially in our current time. With global warming and climate change being more relevant than ever, I feel that everybody should be making sustainability a top priority in everything that they do, both personally and professionally because if there is no planet, then nothing else even matters and that is something that I think people often forget. 

Diversity is something that is being talked about a lot more in recent times and has come a long way; that’s not to say that we don’t still have further to go, I just think it’s good to acknowledge the positive developments in topics such as this. In the past, the lack of diversity in fashion has led to people feeling excluded however as we are seeing more of it on the surface such as in catwalk models as well on a deeper level with designers etc. things are changing and advancing for the better.

We all expect brands and companies to conduct themselves responsibility and to address a broad assortment of social, environmental or political issues. In other words, we expect them to be socially responsible. By using recycled fabric or paper or ocean plastic etc. brands can reduce their impact or footprint and, as with a lot of things, if one brand does it, more will follow meaning that the competitiveness of brands wanting to be the best or do the most furthers the social responsibility of all brands and therefore betters the world. 

All of the points that I have made are to say that when working in the future as well as the present I will aim to be as sustainable, diverse and socially responsible as I can. The Better Lives themes have taught me to think more about what I’m doing both personally and professionally on a deeper level like noticing the packaging of things that I buy or produce and trying to make decisions that are sustainable, diverse and socially responsible. 

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