The outcome for this project (messaging fashion) was a group presentation and I am actually really happy with the outcome that my group created.

The circumstances of the pandemic lockdown meant that we had to work together over video calls instead of in person and surprisingly we managed to make it work. We had a group call everyday at mid day where we all showed the research or work that we had done since the last call and then figured out what we were all going to do before the next. We had a WhatsApp group chat to share research, photographs, information etc. as well as ask questions and discuss the project. We utilised Google Docs to create our presentation meaning that we could all access it online and had the ability to edit it at the same time from separate devices. We all created our own slides making sure to spread the workload evenly and then presented the slides to each other to ensure that we all knew all of the information. 

When we had finished creating the presentation, we did a few practice runs, each presenting our slides, and timing it to guarantee that it would be under or around ten   minutes which was the allotted time we were given to present. When we did the presentation for real, we managed to get it a few seconds under ten minutes so I’m really glad that we practiced it. 

Our presentation was clean and contained bullet points of important information which we then expanded on verbally. We had a good amount of imagery to ensure that it was visual and interesting to look at. 

In terms of my personal development throughout this project, it improved my ability to work in a group which is something that I was not too excited about doing. I was the leader in a lot of the discussions and decision making however I also encouraged everyone to voice their opinions and listened to their suggestions.

I have always been a confident presenter however presenting on a group call by sharing a screen is something that I had never done previously to this project and brought a range of new challenges. In some ways I found it easier to present because I didn’t have lots of people watching me (not that it phases me usually) and I could focus more on the screen. Also, the fact that I had to turn off my microphone when I wasn’t speaking meant that I could practice what I was going to say if I felt that I needed to. 

This project was really interesting to do during this strange pandemic and I would say that in some ways it was easier such as being able to relax at home whilst working however it was also harder for example I couldn’t just ask a question to my tutor if I needed an answer straight away. I’m happy with how the final outcome turned out and I feel that my group presented well and that I also learnt a lot.

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