Blog Post Four: Peer Review.

For my final better lives blog post, I will be reviewing on of the previous blog posts of one of my peers. Upon reading through several blog post of other peoples thoughts on the unit, I decided that I would be reviewing the third blog post of Liv Carlsson title ‘Reflective and Personal Development Post’. I chose this specific blog post for my peer review as I felt that this individual fully expressed what she has learned from their chosen project and gave an informative insight of how emerging technologies can be a benefit in the future of fashion.

 I appreciate the sense I optimism she has for her chosen topic as she states that she chose a topic that she doesn’t have much knowledge or interest in. Having done so, she took the initiative to experience a different area of the fashion industry and also use the skills she already possesses to collaborate with others and create a final product that would potentially help to promote sustainability, diversity and social responsibility within the future of fashion. Liv also makes the point of working with others who she wouldn’t normally work with as well as individuals from different places in the world; I like fact that she is using the opportunity to get other viewpoint from her team members as they may provide knowledge and resources that she may have not been accustomed to.

Nearing the end the blog post, Liv explains the final outcome of her groups project and how they’ve designed it to be more suitable for the sustainability of the fashion industry. She describes how her group had create an app that could be used to analyse vintage trend forecasting around the world and doing this through a database that doesn’t drain on funds and is accessible to anyone and everyone. I like the idea of her groups final outcome as it is designed to encourage others adopt a more sustainable and diverse mindset toward fashion and the fashion industry, as well as providing the knowledge to individuals who wouldn’t normally have the privilege of getting access to.

To conclude my review, I feel that Liv has shown her full understanding of the better lives unit and has used the knowledge given to her from the lectures and collaborative project to reflect on the themes of diversity, sustainability and social responsibility and apply it to her own working practice in the future. She has also demonstrated the understanding of how these three themes will impact the future economy and environment around us in regards to not just the fashion industry, but all other industries that we considered to be vital to us.

Liv Carlsson’s Third Blog Post:

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