Blog Post 4: Peer Review (Annabel Jones)

For the final blog post, we were asked to review peer blogs and see how they interpreted the Better Live themes. It was interesting to look through the different posts because I realized that not only did everyone understand the themes differently, but they also came up with very different ideas to express their thoughts on the topics. The blog I chose to reflect on is written by Annabel Jones. She is my peer in my PR course as well as the Fashion Activism course, and in her third blog post, she reflects on how her group used these themes to create a moving image for their assigned brand.

I thought it was a good idea to review a peer from the same course because since our points are very similar, it is much easier to see the commonalities and differences between her interpretation of the themes and mine. Firstly, I thought it was fascinating that she and her group decided to use Tik Tok as an outlet for their moving image. She talks about the fact that the reason they chose to use Tik Tok was not only because their brands target consumers, Millenials, and gen z, find it popular, but also because of the strict restriction quarantine has put on them due to COVID 19. They were placed in a position where they couldn’t come together in person, and realize the idea that they initially had. I connected with that, because my group went through the same struggles. We were all put into a position where we were spread out in different countries and time zones, which meant that we also had to let go of our original idea, and come up with a plan B. 

I also really liked the fact that the group highlighted the themes of sustainability and diversity in their video. Annabel mentions that they were assigned the brand Triad, a second-hand store that can be found across London. Since it is a second-hand store, they prioritize sustainability as well as reusing and recycling clothing. And while there could have been many different ways of interpreting these themes, their group decided to do something very unique and fun. In the video, you can see that the girls are all wearing different outfits, which are all based on their family member’s clothing pieces. Whether it be a vest, or coat, or jeans, they all came up with their unique way to wear the pieces. I thought that was so fun to watch, especially since outfit videos are very popular on Tik Tok. I also loved that they highlighted their individuality, and made it easy to see the range of diversity their group had. 

Overall, I think that their group did a great job reflecting on the themes through their video and that Annabel did a great job learning more about the Better Live themes as well as creative direction. She makes it clear at the end of her blog that she enjoyed the experience, and that she looks forward to doing it again.

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