Blog post 4.

It was very tough for me to choose which blog post to review. Each blog post is extremely interesting and with a different point of view. 

Despite this, one in particular caught my attention. I decided to review Maja Bebber’s second blog post. It was inspiring to read that her motivation is to give a voice to those who do not have it. This is something I always try to not underestimate. Being in a position to help others and give them a voice, especially trough a journalist position, it is an important step to support who most needs it. Although I study fashion styling and production, I recognised myself in her words and on how Better Lives themes will influence her future work. As she mentioned, words are powerful and fundamental to inspire others. Trough my stylist position, I hope I will be able to tell stories and inspire others thanks to my styling.
What I strongly believe is that Better Lives unit influenced in a positive way our way of thinking. We all want the same: social justice for everyone, a more sustainable system, diverseness and inclusivity. Some of us were already informed about this side of the world, some others were not. 

One thing is for sure: from Maja’s words, it is clear how much involved we all are now. 

As Maja’s wrote in her post, fashion industry has changed a lot over the past few years but still it is not enough. Our generation is the future and we have the power to create a more conscious fashion industry. The only way we can do it, is to do it all together. 

Through all the blog posts I had the chance to read, I particularly decided to review Maja’s post because her words touched me deeply. It is clear that she truly believes in her ideas. I hope she will be able to inspire people with her stories and to influence society in a better way as Better Lives influenced us. I am sure she will be able to do it and her name will be remembered for this. 

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