Blog Post 4

For the fourth blog post, I review one of my peers’ blog posts. I read over a few of the blog posts on the SMC site and was really interested to see everyone’s response to the Better Lives unit. After reading different blog posts I found that I mostly enjoyed Maja Bebber’s third blog post.

Maja starts her blog by talking about the brand “Lazy Oaf” and explains the feel of the brand, the 90s aesthetic and their “sense of not conforming to the norm”. She then explains that the brand uses packaging and production that is sustainable. Maja shows a good understanding of the brand and summarises the image of the brand well in a short statement. Further into the blog post, Maja explains that her group decided to create GIFs which would suit the bold coloured theme of the brand. I thought it was really interesting that her group wanted to re-invent the brand’s “Time To Change” slogan. As a group she states that their campaign would feature the slogans “Time to” – time to think, time to act, time to talk and time to listen”. This shows Maja re-imagining the brand and presenting the theme of diversity.

Collaboration is another theme that Maja explored as this was one of the lectures that was part of the Better Lives course. Maja mentions how she collaborated with other students from Fashion Photography, Fashion Styling and Production. She mentions that they took part in video calls and group chats to organise their project and communicate throughout the course. I think that this reflects really well as it’s an example of how different students from different courses can come together to create a piece of work and collaborate which was something that was promoted in the Better Lives lectures. Another point on group work that Maja made was that the people in her group were from Germany, Poland, Austria and England. This in itself is a great example of diversity and it was really great to hear Maja talk about the fact that she had a positive experience working with her peers and that they were satisfied with their final product.

I really enjoyed reading Maja’s blog post and I think she explored the theme of diversity well through working in a new group and together creating their GIF idea. She also mentioned that she felt that through this experience she has learned that she is socially responsible to support sustainability and engage in the conversation on mental health. A critical piece of feedback that I would give Maja is that from a structural point of view, as a reader I found it quite hard to navigate the blog as it wasn’t spaced out into individual paragraphs. To conclude, I feel like this was a great blog post and I felt as though Maja has shown that she has learned from the Better Lives unit and presented themes of diversity, social responsibility and sustainability.

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