Blog post 3- Project Outcome and personal development reflection.
Researching a brand’s values, ethics, beliefs, what they stand for and support is extremely vital for me before purchasing a garment therefore, I choose the Fashion Activism theme for my project.
For our project, we were split into groups of 5 where we got a chance to meet and collaborate with students from other courses across LCF which was an amazing opportunity as we each bought different talents from our respective courses to the table.As a group we had to create a moving image that was suitable to be posted on the social media of a brand that was assigned to us in order to inform, excite, inspire and motivate audiences keeping in mind the brand aesthetic and its values. We were assigned a brand called TRAID, which is a charity shop that transforms clothes that are given to them as cast-offs into high-quality stock. At Traid the themes of Sustainability and Social Responsibility are given the utmost importance, where they work towards reducing carbon emissions, consumption, and waste along with improving working conditions for textile workers.
Initially, our group planned to visit Triad’s charity shops and film our moving image in a park however, that was not possible due to the pandemic. Being from different parts of the world and having to battle with varied time zones,technology was our best friend during this time which helped us stay connected and enabled us to create our moving image with great ease.
For our moving image, we choose TikTok as our platform, where we styled and filmed ourselves in a garment that was cast away or borrowed from our family member’s closet and made it trendy just as Triad does by collecting clothes to sell for other generations to rewear and restyles them. Through our video, we aimed to challenge other consumers to rewear, restyle, and borrow clothes instead of throwing them away and share with us how they restyled a garment by using the hashtag #RewearChallenge.
Contributing to reducing my carbon footprint was never really of the utmost importance to me,however, after having completed this project it is evident to me how essential and easy it is to do so by simply reducing my consumption of fast fashion along with supporting and promoting local charity shops like Triad who are trying to make this world a BETTER place and are doing so much in this fight to save our planet. I am confident that through our video and throughout the course of the project the better lives themes have influenced the thinking of our group and will be stuck with us as we step into the world.
The following is the link to view the final outcome of our project,hope you enjoy it as much as we did filming it.