Blog Post 2 – Future Perspective

The three major themes, sustainability, diversity, and social responsibility, explored in the better lives unit have proven to be essential to the creation of genuinely interesting ideas coming from emerging artists and the team of individuals who work behind the scenes to get their art to the places it needs to be. Having spent so much time learning of the disparities woven throughout the fashion industry I think the fact that these three themes where discussed in such a thorough manner is commendable and I enjoyed it.

                  Discussing topics such as diversity on the runway, economic imbalances, representation and its importance is important to me, especially being a socially aware individual of color coming from the US. These topics held impact as not only do I live some of the experiences discussed but it meant a lot to hear what others are feeling in response to the knowledge being presented to them. It was important for me to see how individuals who aren’t a part of a minority learn how to understand their privileges and take responsibility in trying to combat inequality.     

                  Personally I’ve interpreted the themes sustainability and social responsibility as an intersection. Throughout the duration of this unit I’ve noticed that there is a strong connection between all the themes but in particular sustainability and social responsibility. We’ve been provided the information as students about the extreme negatives that can come out of the fashion industry. We’ve also been made aware that a large part of what is going to influence the change to stop those negatives is us. It’s important that we, as an upcoming wave of creatives in London, know that it’s our job to try and produce art in a manner that is respectable and healthy for the world that surrounds us. In order to continue and improve in a positive manner we have to be responsible and aware. 

                  Throughout my career there will be numerous occasions in which I will need to refer back to some of the lessons I’ve picked up from the three major themes. In order to do my job as PR in ways that will promote the continuous improvement of the industry I must pay attention to these themes and always revisit the perspectives understood through my knowledge of them, whilst maintaining room for alteration as things change dramatically with time. 

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