Blog 4 – Peer Review of Sam Carins project outcome

For the final blog, we were asked to review one of our peer blogs and how they interpreted the better live themes. After reading different posts I’ve realised people have different understanding and ideas behind the Better Lives themes. The blogs I’ve chosen to reflect on for my fourth blog is by Sam Carins. I chose to reflect on her third blog post in particular in which she explained her outcome in the disciplinary makeup. This blog stood out to me because it had an interesting insight into the theme and it also showed that she had learned a lot in her Better Lives course.

I found it particularly interesting how Sam decided to utilize natural products easily found at home to create a makeup look. She also considered trends when creating her makeup look. I especially liked her reflection and reasoning behind putting the coffee beans on her face as a look, as she explained the significance of coffee during COVID 19. Like Sam, I also drink at least two a day and especially with this global pandemic as I have not been able to sleep as well as dealing with the stress of all of this. Her reflection shows how makeup can be an expressive way of representing different issues whether it be personal or global. It is a more creative way of expression. 

I thought it was particularly interesting to hear how other people in her group used this as an opportunity to create statements about the fashion industry. One of the students created a look called quarantine queen in which she utilized cleaning products. I thought like Sam, this was an effective way to represent and showcase the global pandemic. 

I think looking at Sam’s blogs and reflecting on it Sam has taken what she learned in Better Lives to create a unique final project. I particularly like that Sam reflected on the global pandemic as it is something that is affecting all of us at the moment. It would have been interesting to see how Sam could have progressed this makeup look given the chance. I am looking forward to seeing how Sam engages with Better Lives in her creative practice later on. I enjoyed reading her blog post.

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