Blog 4: PEER REVIEW – Nubian Skin by AOIFE MADELEY

As I was endlessly scrolling through the shared SMC page my eye was caught by this blog post by Aoife on her project about the brand ‘Nubian Skin’. Being a person of colour myself it immediately heightened my interest levels. I think that that is mainly due to her concise introduction. It’s composed of a topic, structure and opinion. Which now makes me think about re-vamping mine. 

I would’ve liked to know more about her role in the group, as she states that they’d assigned each member an aspect of the brand to research. And maybe what were the dos and don’ts of communicating with them (not that it’s necessary).  

I really enjoyed that she talked about all those practitioners, it shows she was inspired by them and took something away from those classes. I’ll use George Melies as my next example, with the deadlines coming up he is due to stay in one of my open tabs until June at least. But now that I know his name, when the time I need to look into illusionists or filmmakers comes, well, I’ll have something to look into. I think it’s especially beneficial to my research because it’s most likely that I wouldn’t found him with my research alone and push my work in a whole new direction. 

This makes me think about a topic that sparks my interest, which is how we can impact others in the with even our smallest actions, unconsciously. That we, in a way or another take up space in someone else’s world. This is a subject I could talk about for so long it would make me dizzy. Thanks to this peer review, it may even be the start of a new project.

Link to her blog post: 

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