Blog 4

I had the opportunity to read several different blogs and each student had a lot to say. For my final blog, I decided to review XiuyiJian’s blog. The blog attracted my attention because she put her makeup outcome in the blog, which happened to be my undergraduate major. And I think this way I have more say in this blog.

In this blog post, she starts with an overview of how the course uses makeup techniques to create characters. Secondly, it explains her analysis of the emotions she wants to express. She ended up creating what she wanted to create.

She was interested in Power’s talk on “fashion slavery.” I think in her work, she is very careful to use the knowledge and techniques she has learned to analyze the roles and makeup. What the whole makeup look wanted to express was “half happy and half sad”. Without the makeup tools, I felt that her makeup interpreted the meaning she wanted to express very completely.

As for “half happy and half sad”, my understanding is that the fashion industry is bright on the surface, but behind it there are a group of people who are suffering every day. Millions of women, children and coolies are being squeezed. In class, she simply designed what she thought of. Through the photos she submitted at last, we can see that she has made great changes to her makeup. It is proved that she did analysis and research on the role during the holiday to improve the makeup of the role. As for the design of sewing needle on wound, I think it is a very good combination of “fashion” and “slavization”. Fashion cannot be separated from sewing needle, while abuse makes people change beyond recognition. It is these “needles” that keep the “surface ”of the wound from being exposed to the public.

On the final of her blog, she details the story behind the characters. When these stories are combined with makeup to see, it can make people put themselves in the shoes of people in disaster and poverty. I think this character design helps to arouse people’s sense of social responsibility. As I said in blog2, it is only by adding commonweal content when culture begins to spread that people will naturally have a sense of social responsibility.

“fashion slavery” is a sad, serious and little-known topic. I think it’s only through constant promotion, performance and presentation that people can understand that there are such a poor lot of people on the planet. Don’t regret something only when it happens right in front of our eyes. Special effect makeup technology also played an important role here, realistic wound shocking, can play a role in warning people.

Thanks to Xiuyijian’s outcome, people can intuitively feel all this. I think she fully reflects the theme of “fashion slavery”. But I think she can combine the theme of “social responsibility” to make her blog richer and more layered.

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