Blog 4

After going through different blogs I have decided to review Zain Balkar’s 3rd blog where she talks about her better lives experience.

For her better lives project she had to create a trailer and for that she chose to talk about Islamophobia and how media outlets spread Islamophobia. She wrote about how she spent hours and hours researching about that topic, that surprised me as to how something this big is not spoken about.

She further wrote about Diversity – one of the themes of better lives. Diversity definitely has a vague presence in the fashion industry but still has a long way to go. She also mentioned the use of social media and how powerful it is, which is true such issues cannot be solved by once person.  Big fashion brands, magazines and influencers have the power over their audience through social media. Social media has to be used in a more inclusive way. Brands need to stop seeing Diversity as a way of promoting their brands and need to take it up as a serious issue.

 She initially had a different plan for her trailer, she had to change it due to the pandemic situation and I am so happy she could get her message across with the lack of resources. She mentioned how this unit helped her learn a new skillset, which is true for I think everyone. Given the lockdown situation none of us had much to work with

She even shared her experience while presenting her trailer and honestly I could relate so much to her. Everyone had so much to show with all the problems going across the globe, it was overwhelming. 

She said that this unit resulted in so much awareness and I totally agree with that,  better lives definitely helped us all look past through the initial surface and actually go deep into the social issues. Her blog gave me an insight about her topic, how it was a part of her life, how Covid-19 affected her situation, how she made her trailer and how she presented it. It was like a train ride which  I completed enjoyed and definitely gained a lot from. 

I think everyone in their first year learned so much just by looking at different people’s work and projects and how the basic 3 themes of better lives – Sustainability, social responsibility and diversity were looked at differently but had the same meaning for everyone.

Zain’s blog post definitely helped me understand a little about the critical design world and how important it is.

Her Blog :

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