Blog 2: Themes Reflection Task

by Iris Choi

I realized that I never truly understand the themes of better lives project will affect on fashion which is sustainability, social responsibility and diversity before weeks of studying better lives project.

  After reflected from some of the lectures that I watched such as culture, technologies in fashion, empathy, collaboration etc. I renew my mind of how the better lives themes will change how I worked in the future.  In my opinion I think that the themes are linked. Pursuing a sustainable future is what all human being focusing on. To have a better lives, fashion is obvious a huge part. As people are more likely to pursue a better lives quality.

  Technological and organizational innovation produced increased output and reduced cost of clothing. The amount of fashion items especially fast fashion garments we buy increased. ‘According to my research by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the fashion industry produces 53 million tons of products every year, but 73% is either incinerated or ends up as landfill.’ (It is often the small, ingenious efforts that change the world, 2018)

This is a serious problem that it may affect a lot of aspect such as air and water pollution, lack of land etc.. Advertisement, influencer, printed or non-printed interface imbue the society with consumerism without sense. In the long run, if we do not make changes to our lifestyle, irreversible damage will occur.

    Perfect face and body models are the majority on fashion covers. This become a standard of beauty in the society. People blindly pursue one kind of body shape unconditionally. People may do things to affect their health such as losing weight by taking illegal pills. Body shaming become a serious problem. Our society is not inclusive enough.

  It is our social responsibility to maintain sustainable lifestyle and to embrace diversity of the society. I would like to stop consuming fast fashion brand products and support sustainable minority brand. Decreased the frequency of consuming. As a creative director, I would hope to raise public awareness of the environmental problem that the fashion industry are causing. And I will send out the message of “Repair, Rewear, Relove” our fashion products. To fit in Gen Z, I like to start a online challenge, swapping clothes with neighbor and create new style clothing using our old unwanted garments.

  I believed that there are more than one kind of beauty in the world. Looking forward to a brighter and harmonic world, we need to include diversity of the society. From printed to digital world, I want to include different beauty of people on fashion advertisements such as different race, size, sexual orientation and class etc.. I believed that all human are the community of life so that we should treat each other and our mother planet better to obtain a better lives.


  1. IT’S NOT JUST A ZIP | YKK 2018. It Is Often The Small, Ingenious Efforts That Change The World.


Available at: <> [Accessed 1 May 2020].

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