Blog 2

The three major themes included in better lives unit are sustainability, social responsibility and diversity. As a fashion student I want my work to be around sustainability, social responsibility and diversity. This unit has definitely given me a new perspective and I would want my work to concentrate on everything I have gained from better lives.

Especially during this time, we need to integrate these 3 themes of better lives, which are seen as the pillars, into our everyday life. It is true the way the fashion industry works needs to be more ethical, the fashion industry is the second most polluting industry in the world. Keeping covid-19 in mind it is important that we use these themes now more than ever. 

Better Lives also helped look through a theme, I completely overlooked for the PR industry, that was diversity. Diversity is something I have always been aware of, but I always saw diversity focusing on the outward-facing stuff like models on the runways, magazine covers and ad campaigns. Fashion industry is one of the few industries that has an influence on all lives in one way or another yet the industry failed to represent diversity. Diversity is definitely a big issue of the industry. It is true that one of the biggest threat to a company’s image is tone-deaf advertising. 

The PR industry needs to pay attention to the brand strategies and how their campaigns would be perceived. The case of diversity is not just about creating campaigns and advertisements that features people from different backgrounds, cast, race etc after all they need to consider the brands target audience, the diversity within the PR team is essential if they are truly going to reflect the society they are part of.  Often times the teams don’t recognize the offensive ideas due to the lack of diversity within the creative team. The PR industry should focus on hiring people from different backgrounds. This would not only contribute highly in the campaigns but also help avoid the loss of unnecessary respect in the brands audience. 

Better Lives themes have definitely influenced my perception and how I will work in the future.

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