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From the entire collection of better lives lectures the One lecture that stood out to me was the LECTURE – INCLUSION by Lara Salisbury. When I thought about the word inclusion, it always meant to not leave anybody out but after attending the lecture I inferred the burgeoning demand of inclusion in the fashion industry. The way we live now is quite contrasting to the way we lived 20 years ago on any terms. This lecture made me think about one particular quote by Pablo Picasso

                                                       “There is only one way to look at things until someone shows  us how to look at them with different eyes”

One such particular example given by the lecturer was of the YVES BAHAR – POWERSUIT, designed to help the elderly with mobility. However, the same power suit had its disadvantages, one being that that the elderly would only use it till the battery lasts. One woman said that she could not use it because she had a baby and she was not sure about the material. This shows that the designer was giving the disabled choice in one element but excluding a whole range of fashion choice and styles. 

Designers need to keep in mind that they are not designing for the elderly or the disabled but for the entire population, that’s what inclusive fashion is. Fashion tells so much about our roots, ethnicity, gender and that can’t be ignored while designing. Specially providing for the disable, what does the clothing say – is it being worn underneath or is seen as the main form of clothing. By doing so what does the designer want the people to feel?  If it seen as the main form of clothing it will make them more noticeable and will stereotype the abilities that usually hidden. Cutecircuits sound shirt enabled the deaf to feel music, this not only helped the deaf community but also people who could hear wanted to know how it felt, it also helped enhance the experiences of the people. 

Designers need to find a way to make the people feel more comfortable and not make them feel out of place either it is through basic clothing or something different. They shouldn’t feel as if they were different.

The lecture was very insightful it helped understand me how Inclusion can be part of the fashion industry and how important it is for the brand to keep in mind, they are producing for the entire population as a whole rather than a certain group of people.

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