A reflection on sustainability, diversity and social responsibility – Blog 2

Diversity, Sustainability and Social Responsibility are the three main themes of the Better Lives unit. As a Hair, Makeup and Prosthetics student I need to be aware of my own practice and what outward effects it has. This unit has allowed me to better understand these themes and enable me to recognise them in others work as well as my own.

Building a diverse portfolio that shows a wide variety of people including members of all ages, genders, race, disabilities and many others is an important part of being a make-up artist as it shows I have a great range of work. Sustainability is also an important feature of make-up artistry as people are more aware about wasteful materials being used and how important it is to understand how what you are using can have an effect on the environment. 

Social responsibilities was not a theme I had thought much on at first. However in one of my Messaging Fashion classes we spoke about how brands are expected to be socially responsible to consumers as they are now held to a higher standard. This is due to the public being more aware of sustainability and social impact. I realised how much this does connect with being a make-up artist as you are responsible for how you conduct yourself when you are representing your chosen field. In our industry we also have expected standards that we are held to and accountable for. It is imperative we maintain and continuously aim to improve these standards. Not only because people are more aware but also because bettering the way I work may help create a better industry and a more sustainable, diverse industry that is responsible for its impact on society. 

Through listening to the lectures and attending the classes I have broadened my insight into these key themes. I feel I have gained a better understanding of how to apply these themes to my own practice and to recognise them within my chosen industry, realising where they impact and how I can employ them to better myself and improve all aspects of my work. I will continue to grow my knowledge and understanding of these themes after this unit and will continue to better the way I work using them. Even during a crisis like the on-going pandemic we can continue to shape our industries and make them better through our creativity as individuals. 

I feel strongly that this unit has helped me and many other students to promote change in their own fields. Really thinking about the themes not only in the context of fashion but also in political, environmental, economical and cultural change. Sustainability, diversity and social responsibility were themes I thought about before but didn’t feel it was clear how to use those to promote change. I now undoubtedly know how to use these themes to change my own work and my own industry for the better. 

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