Blog Post 4 Melisa Brahimi

  • Reflections on your peers’ work using the Better Lives themes as a framework for analysis 

I have decided to review Tasha Francis second blog post because she has focused on the better lives times which is Social Responsibility, Diversity and Sustainability and created a personal link to each topic in photography. For Francis better lives unit she focused on the Contemporary portrait photography unit she discussed how portrait

photography is a visual way of social groups and aspiring creatives to get their voices heard when their issues and opinions are not being listened to. Tasha highlighted that in the global pandemic it has been difficult to find photography inspiration as well as discussing social issues such as ‘everyone has a moral and social responsibility to use

their platform to spread awareness on issues that affect the oppressed and are constantly

being ignored. As a fashion illustrator myself, I would like my illustrations to shed light on

important issues and topics that are needed to be addressed in society such as xenophobia and colourism.’ Tasha demonstrates her interests in the world of social oppression and discussing how this relates back to fashion photography. 

Additionally Francis discussed more social issues about the global pandemic we are in now and how this has changed her way of thinking for her future as an illustrator as she will most likely be working free lance business and as As a creative, it has made her consider whether self-employment is a suitable career move in the future.’ Although freelancing may not give me stable income, working under a corporation can have its downsides since many employees are being furloughed now.’ She clearly understands how this situation social issue and how this will effect the economy. As a creative myself I believe this is a good time for us as creatives to fully understand this situation and to push us to experiment more and that is exactly what Tasha has done looked at new ways to experiment and lessening the environmental impact saving on expensive and producing more sustainable artwork for example for her portrait photography unit she does not need to go out use set look for materials whereas she’ll only use what she has at home for her inspiration. Francis mentioned how we are reducing purchases in mass produced items and how this reduces the toxic impacts in our world. She also discussed some positive social outcomes from the pandemic as the nation shows respect when clapping for the NHS workers on Thursday evenings human civilisation is shown supporting each other in a time of great distress. Relating back to her unit how these rare moment should be photographed for visual means. Francis inspiration for her photography unit was Corrine Day as she illustrates her own perspective of what life was like in the 90s and she wishes to have that same contribution to today’s photography. 

To conclude I believe Tasha has covered the Better Lives topics and looked at how today’s pandemic relates to her photography and has has extensively considered how she can imply them into her creative fashion practices.

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