Yinhua Chen


Blog 4: Peer review

From reading through most peer’s reflection of their project, Ernest abrokwah’s blog gives me a sense of resonance and attraction because I faced the same situation during my project like her. The theme of fashion activism offered me a lot of ideas, for instance the creative directors inspired me because creative directors played the leading role in the whole team and creates a blueprint for the project.  For Ernest’s blog, three aspects interest me. The importance of teamwork and brand building, respectively.

To begin with, Ernest had the same problem as me to struggle in teamwork. In the brainstorming process, everyone takes different stands, which requires us to discuss ideas and accept each others’s ideas. In the operating process, we take in charge of what we are good at and then share our outcome together. As the result, if we elaborate on our thoughts and veto others, teamwork loses its meaning. By requiring sharing and discussing with each others effectively, cooperation broaden our mind and elaborating our project. 

Also, I share the same though with Ernest on the successful branding, which requires the branding have a unique style, logo, design, advertisements. The logo is especially important with the perfect example used was the Burberry logo. With the progress of the times, Burberry has a different design of logo, and it got changed completely; however, it maintained the Burberry look with the colors. It’s not just the logo that gives a brand its soul, and the more profound way is to attract  more customers with good-looking. Combined with mine and Ernest’s point of view, the creative director also plays a significant role. Creative directors focus on diversity their most advertising campaigns because this is their representative. Also, creative directors focus on sustainability to fulfill the profound meaning of fashion. 

Thirdly, fashion activism is a theme that brings inspiration when I did the project. Among the suitable positions in fashion activism, the creative director take the leading role because they need to endow creative concepts in our project, take visual shooting, and find an innovative team. The creative director should have many thoughts and have the ability to control the overall picture.

To sum up,  Ernest and I share the same idea on how to learn to communicate effectively with the team, greatly elaborating my future work have proper development. Also, the establishment of a brand needs tons of requirements, such as logo, style, design, advertising, and so on. We not only focus on my own domain, but I am also allowed to explore every corner in fashion.

Ernest’s blog: https://1920betterlivessmc.myblog.arts.ac.uk/author/19022354/

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